How to Define Your Personal Style in 3 Steps

  Reading time 6 minutes

Defining your personal style is an empowering journey that allows you to express your unique identity and boosts your confidence. It involves understanding what resonates with you aesthetically and what feels comfortable to wear. This article will guide you through three essential steps to discover, refine, and embrace your personal style, enabling you to make informed fashion choices that reflect who you truly are.

Step 1: Discover Your Inspirations

Две женщины рассматривают одежду в спальне с зеркалом и гардеробом.

The first step in defining your personal style is to identify what inspires you. Take the time to explore various sources of fashion inspiration, including magazines, online platforms, and social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram. Look for styles that catch your eye—those that evoke a feeling or resonate with your personality. To facilitate this process, consider creating a mood board that captures elements of clothing, colors, and accessories you love. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Browse fashion blogs and websites for style ideas.
  2. Collect images that resonate with you, focusing on color schemes, outfit compositions, and accessory choices.
  3. Identify common themes in the images you’ve collected—are they casual, trendy, classic, or bohemian?

By taking inventory of your inspirations, you lay the foundation for honing your personal style. Understanding these preferences will help train your eye and make future fashion choices clearer, aligning them with your aesthetic vision.

Step 2: Assess Your Wardrobe

Женщина работает за столом с цветными образцами и ноутбуком в современном офисе.

Next, it’s crucial to evaluate your existing wardrobe. This exercise will help you recognize which pieces resonate with your newfound inspirations and which do not. Begin by emptying your closet and laying out all your clothing items. Take a moment to reflect on your choices and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Which items do I feel most comfortable and confident wearing?
  2. Are there pieces that I haven’t worn in over a year?
  3. Do I own multiple items that are similar, yet I only wear one regularly?

As you answer these questions, consider forming a keep, discard, and donate pile. Keep garments that you feel great in and reflect your style; discard items that you no longer love; and donate pieces that could benefit someone else. This cleansing process not only declutters your closet but also enables you to focus on what truly defines your personal style in this transitional moment.

Step 3: Experiment and Curate

The final step in defining your personal style involves experimenting with new looks and curating a wardrobe that embodies your aesthetic. Allow yourself the freedom to try styles that you may have been hesitant to explore. Incorporate pieces that challenge your comfort zone; perhaps it’s an edgy leather jacket or a flowy bohemian dress. Here’s how to approach this:

  1. Mix and match different outfits using your keep pile and new items you acquire.
  2. Visit thrift stores or online marketplaces to find unique pieces at a low cost for experimentation.
  3. Don’t shy away from accessorizing to amplify your look and express individuality.

Document your outfits through selfies to track what feels right and what doesn’t. Over time, you’ll notice patterns in your choices, allowing you to curate a collection of clothing that truly expresses your authentic self. This ongoing process of experimentation and curation will keep your style dynamic and reflective of your personality as your tastes evolve over time.


Три женщины в джинсовых куртках беседуют в магазине одежды.

Defining your personal style is a rewarding journey towards self-expression and confidence. By discovering your inspirations, assessing your wardrobe, and engaging in experimentation, you’re better equipped to curate a style that resonates with your identity. Remember, personal style is not a destination but an ongoing process of growth, so embrace it with open arms and enjoy the ride!

Часто задаваемые вопросы

1. What if I don’t know where to find style inspiration?

There are various avenues to find style inspiration, including fashion magazines, social media platforms, and style blogs. Consider following influencers or designers whose styles resonate with you, and don’t hesitate to explore diverse aesthetics.

2. How often should I assess my wardrobe?

It’s advisable to assess your wardrobe at least twice a year, usually during the change of seasons. This helps you stay updated with your evolving style and ensures your wardrobe remains practical and aligned with your tastes.

3. Can personal style change over time?

Absolutely! Personal style is dynamic and can change as you grow and evolve. Embrace the change as an exciting opportunity to reinvent yourself and reflect different aspects of your personality.

4. Is it necessary to follow fashion trends?

No, it’s not necessary to follow fashion trends. Your personal style should prioritize comfort and authenticity over trends. While trends can provide ideas, you should choose what works best for you regardless of what’s currently popular.

5. How can I maintain confidence in my personal style?

Confidence in your personal style comes from self-acceptance and wearing what makes you feel comfortable and empowered. Practice styling outfits that reflect who you are, and over time, your confidence will naturally grow as you embrace your style.